Thursday, July 13, 2017

Quite one-of-a-kind audrey hepburn painting

If you are an art-lover and appreciate lively murals then this post is for you! Tristan Eaton, an artist that comes from Brooklyn has actually created a mural-masterpiece and called it as "Audrey Hepburn." He has actually compared a picture of white and black with some abstract shade patters to produce the aesthetically attractive picture. The whole paintwork was positioned within a box of white shade and also inside a large area of lively shades just bulged alongside the red tinted brick wall surface. The pedestrians just could not merely walk by without having a deep explore the work of art and appreciating the amazing effort .

So start checking out caffe roma nyc now.

If you're browsing for audrey hepburn painting, you have stay on the cool blog post. For more info: mymodernmet

via: streetartnews